Laboratory sink and cup sink

Doris laboratory equipment is very accurate in selecting and purchasing products due to its high sensitivity and importance for the quality of its products and services, and after extensive research and consideration and taking into account the needs of Iranian customers for quality products, the best company has been selected to supply sinks and laboratory cup sinks, which in addition to strong quality and technical specifications, also have a beautiful and modern appearance. The use of sinks in different laboratories varies greatly depending on the type of laboratory and the tests performed in it. It is very important to choose the right sink, for example, for chemical laboratories, steel sinks are not suitable with all their special features and characteristics, and the possibility of color change and reaction with chemicals in them is very high, and after starting It gives the laboratory an unsightly appearance, while due to the density of its surface tissue, it is a very suitable option for microbial laboratories.
The difference between a sink and a laboratory cup sink
Laboratory cup sinks are different from laboratory sinks only in terms of dimensions and are made of the same material, and both are available in different dimensions, which are one of the most practical laboratory equipment. Cup sinks are suitable for installation next to the sinks, under the shelves of the middle tables, or the compartment inside the hood.

Types of sinks available in the Iranian market

Askilan laboratory sink
Askilan has properties that are rarely seen in other sinks. Askilan sink is scratch-resistant, heat-resistant, easy to clean, and very durable material for everyday use.
In microbial laboratories, the connection of the sink and the cup sink to the surface plates without seams is one of the most important elements. Askilan sinks and plates allow us to have a fully integrated connection.
Polypropylene laboratory sink
Polymer sinks made of polypropylene are resistant to acid and corrosive agents due to their plastic material. These sinks are light and easy to move.
The only disadvantage of these sinks is their lack of complete integration with the top plates.

Epoxy laboratory sink
Epoxy sinks have epoxy paint coating and chemical resistance and generally have two colors, white and black.
Epoxy sinks are very durable and stain-resistant, and are physically and mechanically strong, easy to clean and disinfect, and have good fire resistance and fire spread.
The only weak point of these sinks is their lack of complete integration with the top plates.
Steel laboratory sink
Polymer sinks made of polypropylene are resistant to acid and corrosive agents due to their plastic material. These sinks are light and easy to move.
The only weak point of these sinks is their lack of complete integration with the top plates.

You can contact our colleagues at Doris for expert advice on choosing the right laboratory sink and receiving more information.